I'm a cognitive and experimental psychologist with a strong applied research focus. I believe that research is most meaningful when it solves real problems and improves your quality of life.
My work as a Scientist at KITE-Toronto Rehab and an Assistant Professor at the Department of Psychology at Ryerson University focuses on the perception and performance in Virtual Environments. In particular, I investigate the phenomena of motion sickness and self-motion perception in Virtual Reality applications.

Current and previous positions

July 2016 - present
Adjunct; Ryerson University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Psychology

Postdoctoral Fellow
Oct 2012 - Dec 2014
KITE-Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, University Health Network. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Geoff Fernie

Mar 2008 - Sep 2012
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany. Institute for Psychology, Department of General and Experimental Psychology. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Heiko Hecht
Thanks for your interest in my research. Get in touch with any questions or comments regarding my work. I’d love to hear from you.
KITE-Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, University Health Network
550 University Ave
Toronto ON M5G 2A2
+1 (416) 597-3422 ext 7846